Monday, July 4, 2011

Halperin: On the Obvious

It's "inappropriate" comments like yours that will cost you the access you and your "Game Change" Partner parleys into books.  Sorry.  No seat on the ReElect campaign plane for you!  Which leads me to deduce:  It's News People who have this country so out of balance.

Instead of being driven by the highest Journalistic principles, they're ratings-oriented.  Like comedians whose drill is to make a buck off whomever is 'funny,' the NewsMen are the Women Haters of the same world that gave us Oprah, Katie, Maria Shriver and Sarah Palin. 

At least we're not  having to endure the Alpha Male whooping you get from the primitives issuing their beat down intent on subordinating the challenger.  So they get Blegojovich and the EYES are set upon the ever-expanding Republican Majority.

Hey, White House!! This is Civilization:)  What GAME you THINK you're playing with your glaring and race-baiting has been surrounded by the Indians who elevate Racial Interactions to a true progression.  The "Savages" can address the entire power struggle with one phrase:  "He was a Dick yesterday."

As Halperin and  Heilemann sanitized the image of their Alpha Posturing Chessman, they readily sacrificed their Queen to do what men do:  stiff the Women with an arrogant choice that demonstrates why THEY aren't entrusted with the survival instinct gene.  Ah, Well!  While the Joyride plays on and the NBC parasites take their 'marching orders' from the JOB Imman, the genuinely competitive black folks are already onjto their legitimate opportunity- which they SHARE with all comers capable of really getting it onj.

In the world of the Renaissance, working in relative obscurity, the HIDE of the Clintons and the balance of the World, nee the Universe which HAS skin in the game are discreetly carrying the diplomatic exchange free of the feathered cowards holed up in the nest.  Expertise and Relationships trump goon politics any day, Obats.  The EYE to EYE exchanged for these two and a half years by the known and intimately appreciated HRC left the perks-copping hounds to their dalliances.  Veneer, Tina Brown prompts me...his black skin is MEER VENEER.  The "bro" thing, the lah-dee-dah millionaire basketball and football playing, jewelry wearing princes of the celebrity kingdom somehow trust that the presidency is something they can cop to prove their "IT" ness.

Having sold his book, and now the rights to the movie, Halperin, once the Time, Inc. leadership trustee, has become too big for HIS breeches and - well -  like Sarah Palin, must channel his Journalist Roots with succinctly colloquial nails in the coffin of the posturing Perp presenting himself as leadership material of the calibre intended to supplant the Clintons.

Those of us who understand goal achievement can recognize where the Obama Presidency is going.  The Pelosi-Dean coalition did the Lucy 'Psyche!' grab of the football to the Hillary Camp's Charlie Brown-like trusting Team Player traditional procession.  The "DICK" Bots did what Mobsters Do: They pulled off a coupe as though the government of the United States of America is somehow vulnerable to the guile of street thugs.  The obsession to have the NERO Speech surrounded by Romanesque elegance on the 45th anniversary of "I Had A Dream" eclipsed the very real need the world has to observe for themselves, the procession of what the Powers-That-Be among the Peoples of the World know to be American Order.  The very people who look to the States as the "Shining" City on the Hill know the Rules, too.  They know they'll NEVER put their money, their trust, their faith and effort into a contest which can be JOBBED by a crew like Halperin, Couric, Immell and others of the Media Kingdom oblivious to their obligations to just report.

As the Veneer on the Occupant of the Oval Office is polished and buffed, the Flea Markets are alive with the People's Values where the traffic in Skin Games is pretty brusque.  Trash Working Class Whites if you must, you hyper Power-Consuming Progressives.  Careful you don't stick your finger in the socket while you've got both your thumbs and your head-up-to-your-eyes-and-ears in your Veneered's ass.  Like the joke about the Dentist preparing to pull the tooth of a needle-rejecting, gas-refusing patient in pain, "here's a Viagara to provide you with something to hold onto while we "treat" you.  !people and twiterers ride the wave of getting away with adolescence while they trick the parents with electronic mystique.  Day comes when the Parent's CHECK BOOKS, not unlike Grandma (Toot) Madelyn's Check Book, is the one refuge for the damage-iinducing, adolescent "didn't know any better" learning experience.  We watch the Wave crashing against the shore of our consciousness, and await the orderly procession of succeeding waves, likewise, crashing in order, in rhythm, in synchrony with all we know of Nature and Progress.

Celebration of the Veneered One's Inauguration heated in earnest with the trading for the newly vacated Senate Seats.  Both the One in New York and the One in Illinois were now on the market and the Primitives had a deal to cut.  Carolyne Kennedy in New York was Payday for Ted's endorsement.  Jarrett in Chicago was the kicker for the Mob's "delivery" at the Rules & Bylaws Committee political maneuvers.  Oh, that prattle about the NEW Politician who would be transparent and who would openly conduct the business of the people for the purpose of demonstrating legitimacy, of course, couldn't happen in this Mobster scenario.   Instead, the raid on the Governor of Illinois's early morning bedroom - conducted by the incompetent Patrick Fitzgerald - was about to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt - that the Veneered Camp had cut corners so inartfully as to leave a trail of vengeful bodies all the way to jail.  Can you truly doubt that the still cocooned "Precious" doesn't caress his ring and tell himself he's special throughout the day? 

Shuffle, Shift, Shivers, Shimmy.  I have the same problem with David Patraeus, a MILITARY General ascending to the C.I.A. Director SHIP as I had with George Herbert Walker Bush, a CIA Director becoming a heartbeat away from the Presidency.  You just don't mix a lawless, make up the rules as you get away with the ones you just broke Outfit like the CIA with something LEGITIMATE meaning rules-observing, abiding, respecting branches of Government.  Ditz-Drones like McCaskill, Reed and Schumer cast ill-informed, mis-guided votes of Go-Along to Get-Along partisanship to suck up to the President they put on us with all the stink it carries. 

Fair Trade, however, dictates that the Patraeus maneuver preserves the necessary balance wrought when Clinton Chief of Staff became Secretary of Defense.  Once a post held by the Bush / Cheyney trustee, the Department of Defense now ascends to the proper Eye Level in an otherwise Clinton People Administration.  William Daley, Clinton's Secretary of Commerce, no doubt conducted the orderly transition with the utmost diplomatic skill and sensitivity.

It's OVER, folks.  FINALLY!!! It's the ECONOMY, Stupid!  The World looks to the United States to conduct the Economy and distribute PRODUCT not NEWS!!!  Halperin.  Brown.  We enjoy reading your thoughts, as though we practice OCCLUMENCY in defense of our own privacy while Legilmens like yourselves exploit our trust with droppings you've convinced us we seek. 

The Coup Redistributed.  The Voodoo met the Magic.  The Kids of the Kids Gotchu!  That GAME you played with forces beyond your control is being won in the Psyches of the Innocent, of the Fair Players, of the Best of Americans.  Let your Phone Gnomes Mob-Rob the Retail Outlets and Flash Mob the Squares of Dictator-Driven Countries where Economies defy attempts to subordinate the Human Instinct to thrive.  Humiliate the Women who address the issues with PRIMITIVE gestures intended to subordinate their instincts in a final grasp for the POWER.  And, along with the undeveloped mobs of the Sharia-Ordered louts who contribute to your billion dollar re-election campaign at $5.00 levels, the recovering junkies - and even the died-in-the-wool junkies who buy this Presidency are hapless, willing fools.  Frat Boy speech writers let you pander to the foolish, preen for the femmes and strut your stuff on the campaign trail, but in the trenches, the War on Women is over.  The assault on the Free Choice of Women to lead in their own Governance and make their life-leading decisions themselves has been met, equalized and re-distributed on the Level.  We SEE US.

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