Sunday, July 15, 2012

Chicagozz Real

Jackson’s representatives did not disclose what specific psychiatric problem the congressman has. A mood disorder can mean many things. According to Mental Health America, formerly known as the National Mental Health Association, there are four basic forms of mood disorders, including "major depression, cyclothymia (a mild form of bipolar disorder), SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and mania (euphoric, hyperactive, overinflated ego, unrealistic optimism)."
I can extend compassionate concern for Mrs. Jackie Jackson's son as she implored Jackson's mom appeals for privacy and space ... a moment for him to heal, as she described it in her remarks to the PUSH Coalition Conference in Chicago.

Did Mama Jackson not teach her son that Pushing invites Pushing Back?  Did not the Obama Campaign thrive on "Pushback" even when civil discourse was branded (improperly) push on the part of Americans expecting their institutions to observe reasonable standards of decency during the 2008 campaign?  Aside from the Clinton-Haters and Misogynist Opportunists, the big damage done by the Chicago/Howard Dean DNC was the astonishing hubris of this entire collective of thugs who inexpertly endeavored to impose their own cultural arrogance on the entire country.  The "ink-blooded" 4th Estate was "objective enough" during this reign of abuse, commenting that they stood willing to observe how this Chicago Style would play nationwide.  The bare knuckles show of force got "The One" elected, and it should be revised to the "Only" One.  The Democratic Majority for which I worked tirelessly throughout the Bush years and prior was wiped out in 2010 followed by the loss of State Houses (not to mention Court Houses) in every state. 

Jesse Jackson jr.'s mother stated that her son was dealing with "enormous" political disappointments.  He had been expecting to become Senator (Candidate #5 who escaped prosecution while the duly elected Governor was roused from his bed at 6:00 a.m. by Patrick Fitzgerald's office, and now sits in a penitentiary,) he had expected to have the opportunity to run for mayor of Chicago,  ... such "Illusions and Trinkets dangled in the face of young people..." sprinkled in her remarks about how she, who "plays" politics, doesn't LIVE politics, but rather, lives in the house with God, and is thereby made resilient in her faith.  I feel for Mrs. Jackson.  Her husband, Jesse, was seated next to her at the podium, applauding her worth as a founder of the PUSH Coalition and a faithful spouse.

I cannot recant my wish in an earlier posting, that he suffer.  Nor can I take back calling him an asshole.  He is and he should, moreover, he must.  In his confinement, Jackson must confront all that he did, all the times he faced a choice between doing the decent thing and doing the bidding of the Obama Campaign.  Raum Emmamuel self-righteously opines that Jr. should heal and not concern himself with returning to work in a Congress that "doesn't work."  EXCUSE ME?!!!  Emmanuel, are you honestly calling out the very Congress who's Campaign and Fundraising Committee you chaired prior to ascending to Chief of Staff in the Obama White House?

Lord, grant me the serenity to
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
 It leaves me wondering what is going through Jr.'s head right now, but I can extend him my very best wishes for a complete and joyous recovery.  I wish him the comfort of his family, the vindication of his mother and most of all, I wish him the evenness and legitimacy in leadership that will result from his encounter with the Divinity Within.  We ambitious Catholics are cited the story of St. Paul, the Apostle, a powerful politician temporarily blinded by the light of the Risen Christ.  His subsequent writings initiated the Gentile's New Testament principles: the gentling of behavior and the relaxation of the laws of Moses mandating dietary and judicial harshness.   Perhaps these two kings of cruel; JJJ and Raum, will find the mercy and kindness from the people that they were too callous and driven to perceive while they are in a position to actually make a difference.  In forgiving them, I acccept my own many political disappointments and embrace my periods of unemployment, despair and financial hardship as badges of blessings of the God who will make it right. 

This is one of those things for which I can only pray I be granted the serenity to accept that this is one of those things I cannot change.

1 comment:

SWPAnnA said...

PS: The Pirates remain tied with the Reds for 1st place in National League Central - after winning in Brewtown last night. Another thing I couldn't change, but endured for twenty years, was the Pirates' management. this moment, I hear the pleas of the children in Saint Jude Hospital who wish only to be back home with their families, back in school with their friends ... and I get it.