Saturday, July 21, 2012

Forensic Pathologist - Facial Recognition

I'm listening to Dr. Michael Baden speaking with Alisyn Camerota on Fox & Friends reveal that Medical Schools profile their candidates for psychopathic anomalies.  Baden opines that some quirk was uncovered via this screening suggesting James Eagan Holmes's "withdrawl" and calculated murderous actions are contained in data thus gleaned.  I gather that the "power" invested in Doctors by their training institutions is tempered with a responsibility on the part of the investor to calibrate obstacles calculated to winnow the field of prospective trustees.

Photographs of the "PhD Candidate" have a "look."  This guy reeks of it. 

My six year old nephew was SOOOO ecstatic about a new Batman movie, portions of which were filming here in Pittsburgh at this time last summer.  He asked me for spelling help several times as he googled the various points of interest to him.

His most revealing comment was, "FINALLY!  A REAL VILLAIN!"  ... "A Scientist!"  He was so done with the run-of-the-mill facist dictator.  His fantasies longed for a truly scary, KNOWLEDGABLE misanthrope.  This little boy, whose father has spent more time in jail for doing stupid things than he has around his son, had a decided preference for the nuts and bolts of a truly competitive wit with which to challenge the defender of Gotham.  That same weekend, he made me watch Kung Fu Panda with him to further convey to me that the minds of our youngest Americans are stimulated by skillful counterparts tinged with humor and artistic flair.

have it!

"I think Facebook could still do more to explain to its users how it uses facial recognition," Franken said.

Facebook Recognizes You

Facebook's tag suggestions feature uses facial-recognition technology to automatically suggest the names of people pictured in new photos that users upload to the site. Tag suggestions has been offline for several weeks as Facebook has been conducting maintenance, a move that was necessitated by the widespread usage of the feature, according to Rob Sherman, Facebook's manager of privacy and public policy. Sherman said that the tag suggestions feature is set to come back online "soon," though he did not specify a timeframe.

Forget profiling, and understand that Israel feels the baseline motivator that triggers the "Survive!" response.  I applaud the wise, experienced Senator Lieberman's insistence on identifying Islamist Extremism as the Fort Hood catalyst.  Jerrod Loughner, and I advance the notion that when I meet and am approached by psychos, I see it in their eyes.  It is a vibration, a side-to-side motion of the iris.  Sometimes the symptom presents itself in a piercing intense gaze meeting my own eyes.  Sometimes it is clustered with averted eyes, fluttering and inability to make eye contact.  But the "Vibe" is definitely something I have seen often enough to be aware.  The other thing I sense is a "Mirage-Like" warping of the air around certain people, typically men, whom I encounter.  I have learned to identify this as a "group psyche" connection.  I used to associate the beady-eyed vibe with sexual pervs, but I wouldn't dismiss the symptom as a possible flag of psychosis of a more villainous nature. 

What connects these two parts to this post?  Suppressed Intuition.  Some of us act on our impulses, called "Promptings" by my "Send Out Cards" presenters.  Most of us learn, through loss, to take these seriously.  Along the path to yesterday's tragedy, many of those who dealt with Jimmy Holmes were thus touched.  We can't go about over-reacting, to be sure.  But when two or more such impulses make themselves significant, we must teach ourselves to take another look. 
I couldn't do anything to prevent what happened in Aurora.  I could only lodge the factors that "touched" me yesterday in the aftermath of the news, and to sort them properly for insertion into my own "data files."  Although I face frustrating financial circumstances and deal with what seem like unrelenting obstacles to my success, I give thanks for the time I had yesterday to process all of this.  I didn't have to suppress it in order to meet the demands of a grinding career or employer.  I was not pulled in other directions by toddlers needing fed and supervised.  I was allowed to think.  I was permitted to sit in my back yard and observe a family of wrens teaching their little ones to harass my cat in emulation of the pair who defended their nest each time Valentine was out.  They loudly announced his emergence and bobbed along within feet of him to foster a cyclone of disturbance around him in the work of keeping him clear of their babies.  The parents peeked at me and my "familiar" from the eaves of my house, from the branches of the trees surrounding my gazebo, even from the hanging planters suspended from the shade structure where we sat.  Monitoring AND warning him that he was being watched.  It was part of the "Promptings Cluster" that was imparted to me.  As I read my cards, the first two, then 7 were followed by 9,9,9.  I had to recognize 4 successive 9's just as I had to read the 4 Aces that came up in a reading on April 4, the anniversary of the assasination of Martin Luther King.  A reading full of ominous cards of violence and death foretold of the news I was about to receive of a colleague who had shot herself.  I got the Chariot and numerous 3's along with the Death card the day Dale Earnhardt was killed in a NASCAR race.  The word the cards conveyed was the Intimidator.  As I looked at the cat, I saw passivity.  His eyes showed me both awareness and detachment.  He was "hangin' with me," and I have no doubt that he presents a threat to these birdies.

I'm listening to Rep Mike Rogers, R-AL discuss the level of "denial" Janet Napolitano demonstrates in her position as Secretary of Homeland Security failing to deal with foreign nationals taking flying lessons without concern for their demonstrated lack of interest in getting a license or certification.  They are only interested in learning how to take off and fly. 

Reason your way through PROMPTINGS.  Look at their EYES.  Process, don't suppress.  Act on your intuited insight.  For me, personally, I am acquiring the "integrity" of a business person no longer to waste myself in effort that will be hijacked by the unethical.  I am flattened down, against the dirt, but facing up.  EVIL pressures me to despair, to submit, yet the Temperence Card exhorts me to "dance" with the upward lifting pressures helping me onto a plane where I may release the imbalancing forces.  I am called by the tuning forks to penetrate the illusion of obstacles and see my way through.  Ave Maria.

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