Saturday, September 15, 2012

The PRESS Bull Dogging By PRESSURE

I begin this pjase of my day with gentle kindness in my heart, as I am compressed ever more consolidating with the Americans + EYES = Pass on the inferior "merchandise" pedaled by the White House Press Corpse.  In recent days, I have found myself spelling the Corpse the way the Occupant of the Oval Office pronounces it.  Face it:  this prick has willfully, maliciously and criminally locked onto the Muslim Brotherhood Agenda.  His is the personification of the reason our Founding Fathers specifically required that the president, the EYE of the needle and the point of the Apex through which we, as a wedge of the PI join what is the circle of the world community, must be a naturally-born American citizen without dual citizenship nor any aspect that would compromise or distort his (or her) loyalty to this Country and its Constitution.

I track back to my initial reaction to the facts I gleaned while performing my due diligence in evaluating the candidates offered for my consideration in 2008.  With no regard to his race nor his personality I had these objections to electing barak obama during that particular cycle:
  1. Who WAS he and who were his People?  After nearly twenty years, I knew virtually all the other guys, and Mrs. Clinton.  Obam was a lockbox.  Nobody knew who he worked with except 60's Anti-American radicals, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, in whose living room his first political campaign was launched, Antoin Rezko, fundraiser/link to winning elections in Chicago.  Oh, and as the campaign unfolded, others who proved to be his "friends" included Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Harry Reed, Bob Casey - well established Clinton rivals who would have their own ideas about their candidate's administrative appointments.  Oh, yes...and the American Media.  The combined influences of the hot shot young guy movement joined by the corrupted - (my expertise extends to the concrete awareness of the use of "recreational" contraband by the well-paid / incestuous operatives posing as journalists presently occupying positions intended for professional reporters) Press Corpse who were bizarly laughable in their unrestrained infatuation - no, WORSHIP of Oprah's crush.*
  2. Reared in a police state, in a Muslim household, where his role models for political power were dictatorial, this entity was not bearing - to my view - the right stuff to be capable of understanding American Patriots.
  3. Sequestered himself in the protective cloak of insanely abusive, overbearing defenders who savagely attacked anybody who questioned him.  In the "Progressive NutRoots and the American Media of 2008, we saw the nurtured seedlings of the full blown rioting, blood-thirsty mobs of Sharia addled, Viagara-induced males raging hormonally for who the fuck knows what?
  4. Was an undistinguished, unaccomplished (certainly compared to Hillary Clinton) academic whose background records were mysteriously sealed from inspection raising alarming flags as to the validity of his qualifications with respect to the likelihood that my own primary values aligned with his.  Refrain: the unholy, explosive assault on any questioning of his credibility by his inexplicably expanding coterie of "friends." 
  5. The intolerant beligerence of my own friends and colleagues who made no pretense of professionalism in their demeanor toward me.  I was - forget disrespected - verbally assaulted by men shouting me down and in a threatening, domineering posture, representing the results of the Rules and Bylaws Committee as a "Fair and Square" WIN of the Democratic Nomination!
  6. The number of Democrats who - to my face - expect to pedal sophomoric misrepresentations of his Apology Tour as though I'm stupid enough to trust them after the major stiffing they laid on me in 2008 and that I'm stupid enough to indulge their pretense of faith in his competence.  Drink the Kool Aid, Party On.
Since the first salvo of the mob uprisings in Egypt and the death of our Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Smith, the lack of awareness demonstrated by Obama shows me he's attempting to appear presidential while failing, utterly, to do his job today, working harder at preserving his job to complete his bullshit operation with a second term. 

Here's my point:  Except for the fact that I am a Woman of substance, character and leadership integrity, conditioned to expect men to cheat me out of my earnings, apply a double standard and induce my own mothers, sisters and female friends to buy into their duplicity, if I were Barak Obama, seeing people falling so readily for my thin resume, defending me so irrationally, handing me their highest symbols of recognition without my so much as doing anything except to whine that I'm not getting an even easier path to their valuables, I would be hard-pressed to restrain myself from taking full advantage and simply letting them provide me cover while I party with my bros.

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