Thursday, March 10, 2011

Don Juan Educates the Daughters

Talkers finally get around to our point.


SWPAnnA said...

Gee, Juan: they were "condescending" to you - a professional JOURNALIST...How much less egregious is an offensive demeanor toward the Senator/First Lady / Spouse of the REAL first black President whose 35 years of work as a Democrat, an Activist for Women and Children, an Attorney/Partner in the "prestigious" Rose Law Firm, dismissed as holding "TEA PARTIES" FOR EIGHT YEARS IN THE WHITE HOUSE?

SWPAnnA said...

The very mention of "White" ANYTHING on the part of women triggered apoplectic Troll uprisings which the Black Caucus never attempted to reign in.

SWPAnnA said...

Citing those rules that serve your agenda is NOT Journalism. Writers / Journalism POSERS are no different from REAL journalists in the composing room. Their b.s. gets cut er... edited for SPACE with the same reality-based efficiency adopted by Mussolini in motivating the Rail Road to run their TRAINS on time. Crude as it was, the results proved beneficial to everybody who worked.

SWPAnnA said...

About those "White Women" ie: the single LARGEST voting block: we ask WHERE'S OUR NOMINEE? WHERE'S OUR CANDIDATE? Where's a PROFESSIONAL Journalist when we need one?