Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Official: He's Just A Guy

Trust Fund Baby, Mr. Cool has "risen" to the occasion ... Comes through with the statement the World looks to from the United States for reassurance ... his News Outlet of Choice: ESPN.   March Madness, an affliction that robs America's Ecoonomy of productivity at so many levels finds it's Uncontested Champion in the Occupant of the Oval Office.  The exclusive culture of pituitary freaks, Basketball and it's Farm League, America's Universities, are on their annual Attention Deficit Disorder Orgy of gambling, sweat and chest thumping.  Cheerleaders:  (I'm referencing the Women of the Left) keep those pom-poms breathless with shimmer: the boyz have taken the floor.

Those of us in the Moderate Middle are finding the MEN and are just as typically happy to know the immature co-dependents who thrive on thrills are safely distracted from the serious matters to which WE respond.  Wise Grown-Ups print out the bracket.pdf for their undisciplined jeuveniles and the GUY Geeks as a "distraction" for the PITA pubescents otherwise of no applicable value in dealing with the challenges of the moment.

I never had a doubt that the local "Progressive" Democrat faction was anything but selfish brats trolling for somebody's lunch money,  The demand for Change in my own micro experience, proved to be nothing more than the tactic of choice for Bill Ayers types with their Cloward/Piven training aping the 60's radical mind-set.  Have at 'em, Women of the Left.  These Peter Pannes are the universally intent on childish crap who promise to exhaust you throughout your relationship with a "me first" attitude that will abandon you the moment your relationship arrives at "Degree 360 .. you know, the DNA step toward evolution.  For the problem child that demands change, this crowd hasn't evolved in 50 years.  The only thing about "Revolutionaries" that has evolved is their penchant for taking other's earnings and pissing it away on technology that has no viable worth on the ground while those bombs they fondly build are coming back at them with a vengeance.

Japan: our hearts go out to you, our faith in your substance assures us that your nuclear technology will work through this challenge as performance rather than disinterest in the face of the latest game.  Your majestic composure and appropriately placed values are an example to us all.  No surprise here; anything that would move the focus of attention off Obama-In-Campaign-Mode is a "distraction," and Fukushima Plant workers said to have fled the site, kindly be advised that the President of the United States already has a Plate Too Full to make room for you.

Mr Cool digs deep to remain aloof, drawing upon a lifetime of mentorship by men whose examples illustrated tactics and techniques teach him to leave it to the girls.  Raised, as he contends, by a Single Mom, (strained relationship) he learned through examples of abandonment and dismissive contempt, to land on his feet by sacrificing honor to remain "above it."  There's always Grandma, Open Checkbook Queen, so no sweat.  Gateway to Golf Course, Games and Good Times.

Don't be so petty: being the Commander In Chief is a tough job.  The OOO needs his rest and recreation.  He's sexy and young, after all.  He's got all this piss and vinegar, steam more expansive than the hydrogen released two days ago at the Fukushima Containment, and you just cannot expect him to feel anything for the Japanese.  He'll go on TV and make some boiler-plate statement about sending aid, and he'll even dispatch HRC to Paris to deal with the Hope & Change Franchisees who bought into his Google-Driven Demonstrations for their piece of the Middle East Pie.  With a mere two years to go until he faces re-election, you'll learn what the Womem of Afghanistan and the rest of the world have been advised:  Other Priorities Take Precedence.  We aren't going to be catering to special interests.  There is nothing more "Special," after all, than the O.

PS:  Westinghouse-Competently Built Nuclear Plants will boost the GE designs and that's the only bracket I'm filling out.  You Can Be Sure ... Circle Bar W ...will keep a lid on it.  Saint Anthony: help us find the way.  GE Engineers are revealing the story of the Immel Management team.  GE Plants are WAY more about how Profits are siphoned off than about how the performance strategy is implemented.  And you want to re-invent the Nuclear Power Industry on the ethics exemplified by GE?  Not to be a party pooper, here.  There's a story unwinding and it feels like an asp in a basket fixin' to evolve into a rattler, Cowgirl.

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