Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Qaddafi Must Go" ... Reprise of the "Hillary Must Go" Shove

My disgust for this hacker and his "guard" is out front, here.  The entire push to "organize the international community" behind the NATO action is the result of yet another rash, rhetorical and inflammatory statement made by the incredibly inappropriate academic Fool who believes himself to still be seated in the United States Senate where he can shoot off his mouth with meaningless opinions, then vote "Present" when push actually comes to shove.  Utterly irresponsible and never held truly accountable, the Politician is unable to lead from his own conviction and is willing to try whatever the media demands in order, not to lead the Nation, but to preserve his status.

Behind the madness of a team of disorderly Press and dishonorable colleagues, the pushing and shoving engaged in by the anti-Clinton coalition began immediately after Obama emerged from the Iowa Caucus with the Land Owning White Guys' collusion.  "Hillary Must Go!" was the cry of the Trolls joined even on the floor of the Senate by Ried, MSNBC and the Black Caucus.  At the May 31, 2008 Rules & By Laws Committee meeting, Michigan represented its willingness to nullify its own delegation in order to challenge Iowa, whose winner has gone on to win every Democratic nomination for the past thirty years, for the right to demand first dibs on choosing the President.  In a Statement asserting the urban point of view, reformation of a system whereby property owners exercise undue power absent the preferences of ethnics was professed to be the purpose which drove the challenge.  Yet the CHOICE for which Michigan voted, the ethnics considered, wasn't the CHOICE the reformers expected, necessitating the move to unseat the State's duly elected delegation.

As I write this, the identification of some voters as African Americans screams to me something that, until this moment, I hadn't correlated.  I guess it's consistent with the "Citizen of the World" pretense behind which Obama conceals his disrespect for Patriots, that they are not simply "Americans," but a separate but 'equal' African American segment of the American community who reserve the right to pick and choose whether they are Americans or Africans on a given issue case by case.  This same "Social Sciences" approach is offered by the President and his Strategists in the Middle East where we will make a Case by Case determination of which Country we will support in revolt against self-serving leadership. 

The gesture by the Democrats to imply that people of color will be so influenced by skin color in electing leadership that they are commandeered into the position to do so by moving a state where a large number of them are registered to the early primaries in order to secure the benefit of their presumed support for black candidates. 

In both Michigan and Florida, the segmented-out voters disappointed the "racist" gamers by choosing the female candidate, debunking their carefully concocted myth.  Both sides must take away a lesson from this outcome:  The dividing of the PIE is a challenging process. 

From Divinity Within, a moment:  Creation is the Product of Division.  Mathematics measures a circle by PI.  Expanding the Circle entails the factor 3.14 applied to radii, circumference, diameter... "To Infinity and Beyond!"  Our differences are the nature of our greatness in that with the exchange of views, we come to expand our understanding of all we can be, do and achieve.

Conflict that results from the indulgence of competing interests is the path down which the Obama Leadership has taken us and the choice rejected by those of us who seek a greater emphasis on Professionalism in Government.  For Women in Political Leadership, this preference for professional leadership is the Equlizer.  Not for Chivalry, but for Humanity do we reject the Drivers in favor of the Balancers.  A constant such as PI is antidote for American Society, to the tarnished Fools' Gold Rule equating money with power and political advantage.  Expanding is the means by which to distribute the true wealth of this Nation.  To Patriots, it is the first principal of our Declaration that "All Men Are Created Equal."

Rational, worldly-wise Citizens are now free to move onto something worth doing.  The novelty that was Obama has become circular and moribund.  In programming terms, this dawg won't hunt.  What remains of the United States of America has been commandeered by the DNC as a counter-balance to what was done to it under W.

Life has taught me that by the time we can count the money on the table, the Spirit has left it.  Blessing and Offering it to God infuses Wealth with PI.   Faith in the Almighty as a partner in Creation, likewise, sequesters the growing prospect in protective ambiguity and concealment that is neither noticeable to nor obtainable by those not posessed of Spirit.

In this we may take Faith, be moved to Hope and through          Love be preserved in the face of any threat.  To those of us who acknowledge God and live by religious convictions, secular humanism is the "not ready for commitment" intellectualization of someone like Barak Obama.  Himself lacking in Christian insight, Obama is what he is: the product of an upbringing in a country of Muslims who are no less driven by misunderstanding than Right Wing, Christian Conservatives in this country.  While the unethical continue to skirmish and fight over Oil Wealth, Wall Street "paper" and Currency Values, the "Creators" are far more respectful of "LIFE" than either extreme.

A result of Creation is often "Waste."  Until a formula is proven, anything and everything must be considered and attempted.  Thus, the "Everything, including the kitchen sink" throw in was the method by which - know it or not - The pretentious Obama is taken out.  Some of the "waste" remained obscured, unnoticed and undisturbed when the fight began.  What has been developing "under the table" has a parallel in that which is unseen, not yet grasped hovering in the air above our heads.  A naturally expanding alterntive invites us to step to security, solvency and stability.  Most miss the moment and fail to notice the subtle shift underfoot, but "Leadership" has been imposed on those of us whose service has been consigned.  When the Call comes, we sense the expanding energy of Spiritual indwelling and respond with a calm acceptance of our duty.  My Eyes open to the process, which is nothing more than processing all that comes at me, attend that which I am about to be shown.  It is not by my choice that ensuing actions are determined, but by my willingness to offer my choice to the Divine Opter. 

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