Monday, March 28, 2011

Jimmy Carter: Time To Put On Your 444 Day Sheep's Skin

Can anything be done to alleviate this problem by closer consultation with the dissident groups and by easing off on some of the strict police policies?"
The Shah paused for a few moments before he replied somewhat sadly, "No, there is nothing I can do. I must enforce the Iranian laws, which are designed to combat Communism. This is a very real and dangerous problem for Iran, and, indeed, for the other countries in my area and in the Western world. It may be that when this serious menace is removed, the laws can be changed, but that will not be soon. In any case, the complaints and recent disturbances originate among the very troublemakers against whom the laws have been designed to protect our country. They are really just a tiny minority, and have no support among the vast majority of Iranian people."

Read more:,9171,949593,00.html#ixzz1HtLAJdv4

I'd be interested, today, to learn from the Peanut Farmer's mouth, what's actually going down in the North African Perimeter and the level of insight to which his own experience, which drove Democrats from the White House in 1980, has delivered him. 

For any who imagine I might have become a 'Reagan Democrat' off the experience of the 2008 Democratic Primary, please know that my gut tells me Reagan/North/Haig/Weinberger cut the deal with Osama Bin Laden's Contractor Family to arm the Contras and bring down the Iranian Shah.  In my gut, I have no doubt that in his position as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George Herbert Walker Bush enabled the entire scandal - fully knowing that the unsophisticated Carter Administration was reliant on them for "intelligence," and that the move from RNC to CIA under equally unsophisticated, Gerald Ford, was the equivalent of the fox in the henhouse for Reagan Backers.

White Guys lording over Land is the way of the West and Ronald Reagan was the Bonanza Rancher of technicolor and mapping.  Jimmy Carter escorted the Human Rights and Dignity Issue into the essential staples of Democratic Politics and on his watch, the idea of treating all Hands as On Deck for Prosperity was his uniquely Southern Standard.  His faith and common sense stability was the skill he brought to the White House, much to the distaste of the Eastern Liberal Establishment.  The victory of the Upstart Southern Poor was immediately squashed by three "Land Holding" Forces:  The Texan Oil Block (W), Hollywood and the Nor'Easter Coastal Compounders: Kennedys in Hyannisport and Bushes in Kennebunkport.

Common Sense, for Folks, is the essence of Common Expreience, and let's face it:  Our experience - It's You and Me whom I mean by "Our," has NOTHING in common with these folk.  For us, social order is preserved by ethics and voluntary convention.  While We, The People are here asserting out Divinely Endowed Rights to Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness, the Land Grantees are determined to preserve their "lordships" over properties accorded them by the very King against whom they are now wealthy enough to Revolt.

So, Jimmy:  what's shakin'?

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