Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Barbara Behrand Ernsberger For Commonwealth Judge prevailed against endorsed candidates to win the 2009 PA Primary nomination for Judge of Commonwealth Court.

She appeared at caucus meetings that winter while still grieving the loss of her father days earlier. But she had a plan, viable financial support and the very things we have come to find helps women candidates at the polls.

She's going to try again.  With apologies to all the male candidates who will present themselves for consideration this upcoming month at the PA Dems Endorsement meetings, I refer you to the results of the last judicial elections.  While the County Chairs exerted arrogant pressure on the members to endorse male candidates (led by the male progressives) the Voters elevated the female candidates and then ELECTED the female candidates.  There's a message, here, men.  The women you so callously stepped on during the 2008 Primaries are expressing their displeasure AT THE POLLS!!! 
In the most American Way,
The Women take this opportunity to say:    More than half the population, more than half the workforce and more than half the top grade-earners in schools will not be reduced to behavior that permits you to call them names unworthy of gentlemen. 
Wake up!  Clean it up! Apologize to the true base of this party.  The ones who have declared their sovereignty and independence by changing their registrations are only a portion of the total numbers waiting for your return to respect for their votes.

Endorse Ernsberger. Work for her election.  Make a dent in the huge chasm your obtuse politicking has fostered with the female voters of this Commonwealth.  With all due respect to the hormone-driven females not disenchanted with the Left Wing tactics, the Menapausal Elders of this Party have taken a "no comment, no contributing, no volunteering" stand on future elections until their status is recognized.  Take your punk president and your threats of Primary Challenges to your own caucus and eat it for the forseeable future.  Democrats supporting this demeanor are dead in the water and unworthy of a cent of support until such time as this egregious offense against the true base of the Party is acknowledged.  Again, Valentines Day is coming.  Figure out to whom you need to extend the rose, and understand that your bare knuckles-dragging cave-man approach to cold, hard-assed politics has a counterpoint in those of us who joined the State Committee as part of the Gender Equity Building movement of the 70's.  To the Jill Krausses and her ilk in the Obama-Jazzed 30 Something Generation:  It will get as old for you and your daughters as it got for the families of Diana Oughtan, Bernadette Dohrn and the Weather Women.  While these arrogant guys sit around and play at making policy, you'll be burying (if you can find any parts of their exploded remains), rearing their motherless children and going to jail to appease the anger of the judicial system that KNOWS Bill Ayers preached without practice and got away with talking the talk when he never walked the walk.  For all your class warfare crap, Billy relied on the rich old man's money to escape justice.  

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