Saturday, January 22, 2011

Open Letter To Fellow Members of the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party

I know it's too late to introduce a resolution for February, but would you be open to a resolution reprimanding the "Progressives" for their misconduct? 

I am disgusted with their tactic of threatening elected representatives with Primary opposition if their demands aren't met.  I consider it Voter Intimidation taken to the next level, which is criminal, and they should be called on it.  Any time a "Progressive" introduces a letter or a resolution to take down Blue Dog Democrats because they won't rubber stamp the Obama Agenda, I am scandalized that they are no better than the "Republicans they railed against for eight years!  When these progressives use the expression "push back" to justify their rudeness and ignorance when NOBODY but them are pushing, I want to object.

They have virtually destroyed the Democratic Party.  The very reason "Super Delegates" were devised in the 70's was to prevent the repeat of the desecration of Democratic Principles.  Neutered by the incivility we are finally addressing, Democrats must move to reclaim the Traditional Dems who have disassociated themselves from such unchecked personal attacks and reactionary assaults on the integrity of those who vote the will of their Constituents.

In my own Legislative District, Darryl Metcalfe, an absolute Cretin and ignorant bastard keeps getting re-elected...running virtually unopposed, because he observes ONE Principle: Don't raise our taxes!  Thus, he makes no effort to improve the economy or work with the business interests who want to participate.  He has locked down discussion and the Progressives have commandeered, by default, the Democratic Committee.  My experience with "progressives" in Butler County is that they are completely ignorant of Parliamentary Procedure and, because they Push, Push, Push, have actually undermined the potential of exchanges of ideas by departing from those very restrictions on emotional and personal affront Roberts' Rules were designed to prevent.

Too lazy to learn the Rules of Procedure in context, they have cited only those aspects of the Rules that serve their aggression and dispense with any that guarantee the rights of the minority.  I would like to request that the Chairman appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to air the grievances of those whose constituents have been denied Voice by the actions of the Progressives.  I would ask that the Committee clarify for its membership that WE ARE DEMOCRATS.   If one so identifies with the Progressive Visage that they are contemptuous of the Democrats of more conservative or traditional leaning, then it might be time for the PROGRESSIVES to get on the Ballot as Progressives and take responsibility by name for their indiscretions.  Let them learn, as have traditional Democrats, that we win elections by building coalitions, not just raising money.  Once we're elected, we get out of campaign mode and get on the clock to serve ALL THE PEOPLE!!!   When we reach the point where 30 something guys can get away with preposterous remarks like "He Who Has The Gold Makes The Rules." it's time to stand up and assert the dignity of all the things money shouldn't be permitted to buy - LIKE VOTES,  

The rules we will write regarding the 2012 Primary should be seriously considered.  I wish for the brats who so violated our process with their "gaming" of the rules, to get a full taste of their own tactics firmly forced into their faces.  I don't care if Barak Obama (Bush III) gets re-elected, but his people should face true justice by being treated to the very Primary Challenge with which - for two years - they threatened sitting Democrats who supported Hillary Clinton.  Until this matter of Party discipline is addressed, I will not be able to volunteer in support of candidates.  I will only circulate nominating petitions if I am paid from the same bottomless pit of George Soros money these bastards unscrupulously accept.  I will not extend one breath of courtesy to Joe Sestak for the primary he conducted once the progressives siezed on him as a willing accomplice to their ruthless disregard of the State Committee's endorsement of Arlen Specter. 

The People of Pennsylvania, not the Progressives, make the call.  A tenured Senator with a history of being elected by PENNSYLVANIANS was destroyed by such "friendly fire" as these idiots foster.  Instead of a powerful representative who can really help us, we have two freshmen who only listen to their string-pulling supporters, at odds with each other. 

I refuse to attend County Committee meetings to be insulted by Larry Kriess and his troupe of cronies - all Trolls who subscribe to the "I'm the Boss" managerial approach.  They want to reduce the requirements for a quorum to 25% because nobody will come to their meetings.  They step on everybody, shove through their meaningless agenda without discussion and pick fights with their opposition with personal attacks and gossip.  (Absolute MIRRORS of the Obama Administration!  -You know; the One that got its head handed to it in November, the One that demanded Party discipline at the expense of the re-election of some very fine public servants...)  A Primary Challenge will do this outfit some good.  They've got it coming!  And the juxtaposition of Primaries that will favor Obama's lock on the votes of blacks is unAmerican and offensive.  Put the Race Card, the Gender Card, the Class Warfare Card and all the other stupid, divisive bare knuckle political tricks on the table for these guys to own and acknowledge.  The Tool Chicago Thug can have this Party if he plans a repeat of his 2008 performance.  I want nothing to do with the Democratic Party as it is at the moment.  I speak for the many, many voters of my district, my family, my County who have refused to sign petitions, changed their registrations and expressed outrage over the way the Party has permitted itself to be commandeered.  If Jim Burn isn't prepared to face the challenge of purging the State Committee of the kind of condescending shit I was fed by Mary Isenberg, Jack Hanna and Shannon Bilger, I won't hesitate to join my kindred dissenters.

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