Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow On The Way

The President put a tepid toe in the water of displacement last night with - at least - the articulation of the sentiments we expected to hear two years ago.  But whatever :(  He and Axlerod, Gibbs and the media are ill equipped to ever do it.  I'm gonna do "something else" inasmuch as I see little point in wasting more time monitoring his performance looking for a glimmer of opportunity in the Economic Platform suggested.  The Left can get on with angry response to any gesture of respect for the business interests of the country.  Choosing to "appease" coupled with Taxing as Tactic alerts my Sales Conditioned business mind to an ineptitude that loses my inner "buyer."  This guy is terribly ill prepared for the very challenge he acknowledges.  On-The-Job-Training for the Affirmative Action Chief Executive is producing exactly what a reasonable person would expect.   The morons who placed the mantle of leadership on him are as full of themselves as he is. 

Editors & Publishers of Daily Newspapers:  Come On!  For your mentorship of his candidacy you get a big, fat "F" and the Academic you forced into the Glass Slipper that is the Presidency didn't deserve your cowardice and stupidity.  What were Yinz thinking?  All I can say is:  TOO GAY!!!  This blockade to prevent a Woman, moreover the Woman Behind The Man who was Bill Clinton, from serving in this office was a sheer gesture of male arrogance, deal-cutting and flat out corruption.

Well, Men, you got your Gender-Privileged Coup.  Thanks for making straight people eat it for long enough to put their finger on exactly what it is that makes them resist the Gay Agenda.  It's not that they want to diminish the opportunities for "same sex" Union Members, it's that they expect the Gays & Lesbians as well as the "African" Americans to find common ground and work there.  With Good Will toward each other, and respect for the relationships developed through generosity towards all, Gentle People of any background or orientation can make room for each other. 

As Families grow to love each new member, the Family of America can, likewise, grow to incorporate the strengths while suppressing the perception of weakness of each new Family Member.  When a new friend, special someone, "Mr. Right" is brought home to meet Mom & Dad, or a new baby is brought home from the hospital, or even a "pregnancy" is announced the attitude of the existing membership has all the world to do with how the expansion works.  That job is Mom & Dad's.  Fourth Estate:  As Mom & Dad, it was YOUR job to caution the kids that this new boss, while bringing great potential, was someone with whom to become acquainted.  Whom do we know that knows him?  Would he bring a circle of "friends" to our home that will enhance our lives?  Our security as a Family deserves answers to these questions.   Childish tantrums thwarting the responsible review of this newcomer won't do.  Families who look out for each other, build communities and support charitable efforts begin with stability,... with respect for themselves.

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