Sunday, January 23, 2011

the inspriration for the nickname "Joe Blow"

I received an email from Biden touting the "Promises Kept" report on the 111th Congress Hari Kari.  Did they promise change we can believe in, or an indefensible assault on We The People, our traditions and our American Values?  Methinks the #2 man in the Administration is a BFD wind bag who can't possibly recognize how detached from reality they are in the West Wing.  Obama reads speeches written by equally shallow blow-hards, and then as if his mouth is directly connected to the teleprompter with no cortex processing, he goes out and does exactly what he warned we shouldn't let Republicans do. 

Do any of those guys who so "innocently" played cut-throat with John Edwards in 2008 have anything to say about the manner in which he fulfilled his promise to Elizabeth in the years following her diagnosis?

Are they all just cads?  As if I didn't already suspect that this character-deficient politician will mouth sentiments with which he has no synchrony, this attempt to blow smoke up my skirt arrived as evidence that Biden is a fraud.  These porous layers of cheese calculated to draw a veil of believability over their antics just add weight to the mountains of evidence that point to his gamesmanship trumping his statesmanship.  David Axlerod has resumed his Jabba the Hut personna, and Biden will proceed to run these advertisements for snake oil in a distasteful measure of his contempt for my ability to recognize what I'm looking at with accuracy and understanding.

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