Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Getting Thrown Off The Freight Train

Lamar Alexander raises a point during the 112 Congress gear up about the fools of the outgoing majority needing "schooled" in the ways of Leading.  Watch and Learn, progressivess.  Your "We Won/We (W)rite the (W)rules."  In Session.  Here's how WE Work, Posers.  Cats in a Cooler: "No Surprises, Please."

Byrd's Poetic message all over the road in Arkansas, Filabuster be Sacred!  Don't change the Rules, change course, attitude, level of willingness to adhere to the Rules that permit everybody due process.  The Roolz Gangsta don't play by Rules.  They MAKE rules.  They had their opportunity and BLEW it.  God Save the Republican Traditionalists who stand firm in the face of those who would Rule Us rather than learn, "play by" and win according to our rules.

The words of outgoing Speaker Pelosi said it all:  Don't judge us by what we DO; We'll tell you what we did, regardless of what you see us do.  We have no grasp on Authority;  it's all about the symbols to us.  It simply doesn't do for the defeated Speaker to leave under the pretense that her "drain the swamp" 111th was all about reducing the deficit, pay-as-you-go, and chanting the mantra of spending control.  I don't love being taken for a fool, but I really take unkindly to Nancy Pelosi representing herself as a Class Act.  When she has the chance, she shows - not Class, but her -can't-tell-a-lie-even-when-she-tries-to ASS. 

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